KU Physics & Astronomy Aspirational Code of Conduct

The following principles are designed to ensure that the environment in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kansas meets the highest standard of professionalism and is one in which all members of, guests of, and visitors to our community of faculty, staff, and students feel welcome and respected. These principles reflect the culture of our department and reinforce the values of our department and of the University of Kansas. For a graphic guide to the code of conduct, please reference this graphic (disclaimer: it is not screen reader friendly).


Members of our community respect and support each other. We demonstrate this by:

  • Being courteous in our interactions with everyone.
  • Respecting the professional, physical, and personal boundaries of everyone.
  • Giving everyone a chance to voice opinions that do not directly discriminate against or harm others and handling disagreements through respectful dialogue.
  • Respecting individual differences and unique perspectives of members of the department.
  • Being mindful of one’s own authority with respect to other members of the department.
  • Working to ensure that everyone has equal access to opportunities.
  • Ensuring that, when offered, criticism is constructive and aims to create positive discussion.
  • Not tolerating unwelcomed jokes and/or disparaging remarks grounded in prejudice or stereotype.
  • Challenging practices that facilitate or allow prejudice and/or discrimination.
  • Supporting and protecting those who report violations of departmental or university policies.


Members of our community are committed to openness. We demonstrate this by:

  • Being receptive to discussions of ways to improve the work environment and work relationships.
  • Challenging our own assumptions about people and the sources of those assumptions.
  • Taking responsibility to eliminate particular challenges or barriers to success that members of the department may face, with particular emphasis on members of under-represented groups.
  • Accepting a range of unique cultural practices within the department community and respecting individual religious, spiritual, and secular beliefs and practices.


Members of our community take initiative to maintain a healthy and supportive environment. We demonstrate this by:

  • Intervening when others are exhibiting conduct unbecoming of a community member.
  • Speaking up when someone is disrespectful of an individual or a group or class of people (even when that individual or members of that group or class are not present).
  • Identifying and challenging implicit biases, seeking opportunities for education/training on diversity, inclusivity, reporting, and bystander intervention techniques, and encouraging others to do the same.


Further Information and Additional Resources

The University of Kansas is committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment on campus. The Office of Institutional Opportunity and Access (IOA) is responsible for administering the University of Kansas equal opportunity and non-discrimination policies and procedures, as well as, encouraging a campus climate of respect and understanding of all aspects of the human experience. For more information, see the webpage for IOA.

Additional information about other associated policies and procedures can be found in the university’s policy library

The policy library also has specific codes of conduct for students and faculty.

For information on violation of University Policies and the procedure for filing a complaint, please visit the IOA complaint process website.

The University Ombuds office is a safe place where members of the University of Kansas community can seek informal, independent, confidential and impartial assistance in addressing conflicts, disputes, or complaints on an informal basis without fear of retaliation or judgment. Please visit the Ombuds website to learn more.

The University of Kansas prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university’s programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy.