Access & Engagement

Mission Statement 

The Physics and Astronomy department at the University of Kansas aspires to be a community where students, staff, and faculty feel welcome and supported within a rigorous and engaged academic environment. We aspire to be a place where our community members hold one another to a standard of mutual respect and accountability. 

Access & Engagement committee 

We have a committee that meets bi-weekly to address department climate-related issues. This committee is comprised of undergrad, grad, staff, and faculty members, for a wide range of viewpoints and opinions. The committee personnel change every academic year. 


If you are experiencing or have experienced harassment, bullying, discrimination, or any other inappropriate behavior, please see the following list of resources based on level of severity and nature of the issue: 

  • If in a medical or mental health emergency, call 911.  
  • For less urgent but still serious public safety matters, the non-emergency campus police line (785) 864-5900 
  • If you are in a situation where you are not sure what exactly to do, the university Ombuds office is an impartial and confidential resource where you can discuss your situation. Talking to ombuds does not constitute reporting to the university, and therefore they are an impartial and independent resource for confidential advice.  
  • To report your situation officially, see the office of Title IX and Civil Rights, 
  • For non-emergency mental health and well-being related resources, see