Colloquium Calendar
Below is the colloquium calendar for the current semester. All in-person colloquia are located in Malott Hall, room 2074. Colloquium refreshments will be held at the main entrance to Malott (near room 2001) at 3:30 p.m. unless otherwise announced. Talk titles and abstracts can be found in the accordions below the calendar when available. Please visit the department YouTube Channel (external) for recordings of colloquia when available.
Graduate students in the department can submit their attendance by filling out this form.
Date | Format | Speaker | Topic | Affiliation | KU Faculty Host | Zoom |
January 27th, 2025 | In-Person | Talal Chowdhury | University of Dhaka | Zoom Link pw: 408508 | ||
February 3rd, 2025 | In-Person | Mathew Muether | Wichita State University | Zoom Link pw: 408508 | ||
February 10th, 2025 | In-Person | Jerry Manweiler | Fundamental Technologies, LLC/University of Kansas | Zoom Link pw: 408508 | ||
February 17th, 2025 | In-Person | Stephanie Wissel | Pennsylvania State University | Zoom Link pw: 408508 | ||
February 24th, 2025 | In-Person | Brian Yencho | Livefront | Zoom Link pw: 408508 | ||
March 3rd, 2025 | In-Person | Kirill Belashchenko | CMP | University of Nebraska | Ovchinnikov | Zoom Link pw: 408508 |
Wednesday, March 5th, 2025 | In-Person | Geoffrey Diederich | CMP | University of Maryland - Baltimore Co | Ovchinnikov | Zoom Link pw: 408508 |
March 10th, 2025 | In-Person | Chanda Prescod-Weinstein | Univ of New Hampshire | Zoom Link pw: 408508 | ||
March 24th, 2025 | In-Person | Tansu Daylan | Astro | Washington University | Crossfield | Zoom Link pw: 408508 |
March 31st, 2025 | In-Person | Li Yang | CMP | Washington University | Zhou | Zoom Link pw: 408508 |
April 7th, 2025 | In-Person | Tomas Allison | CMP | Stony Brook University | Chan | Zoom Link pw: 408508 |
April 14th, 2025 | In-Person | Karl Stephan | Texas State University | Ralston | Zoom Link pw: 408508 | |
April 21st, 2025 | In-Person | Ken Burch | CMP | Boston College | Zhao | Zoom Link pw: 408508 |
April 28th, 2025 | In-Person | Sally Dawson | Brookhaven National Laboratory | Lewis | Zoom Link pw: 408508 | |
May 5th, 2025 | In-Person | Kate Rubin | Astro | San Diego State University | Rudnick | Zoom Link pw: 408508 |
Spring 2025 Colloquia
Title: "Exploring quantum simulation and entanglement dynamics of complex quantum systems with quantum computers"
Abstract: Quantum computers are opening new frontiers in fundamental physics, offering unprecedented opportunities to explore complex quantum systems. In this talk, I will present our recent quantum simulations focused on two key directions: (1) large-scale frustrated quantum spin chains and (2) black hole entanglement dynamics. Using IBM’s superconducting quantum computers, we successfully implemented a Heisenberg spin chain with competing nearest-neighbor and next-nearest neighbor interactions, achieving real-time evolution with up to 100 qubits and accurate expectation value measurements utilizing scalable constant-depth quantum circuits and error mitigation. I will also discuss our quantum simulation of black hole scrambling dynamics conducted with IBM's superconducting quantum computers. We employed randomized measurement and swap-based many-body interference protocols to investigate entanglement entropy dynamics, providing insights into the Page curve and the black hole information puzzle. Finally, our research showcases quantum computers as a nascent but powerful tool for exploring complex quantum systems and beyond.
Title: The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE): An International Experiment for Neutrino Science
DUNE is a future experiment designed to answer two major open questions in neutrino science: What is the neutrino mass ordering (mass hierarchy); and do neutrinos violate CP invariance? In order to answer these questions, DUNE will measure neutrino oscillations over a long baseline utilizing the 1.2 – 2.4 MWatt wide-band neutrino beam from the Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility (LBNF) at Fermilab, a 40 kTon fiducial volume liquid argon time-projection chamber far detector located 1300 km from the beam source in the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota, and a near detector system at the source. This talk will review recent results from neutrino oscillation measurements and present the design of DUNE along with its expected physics sensitivities.
In addition to this summary, I will present details of two specific DUNE projects which Wichita State University is participating in: the design and analysis of the DUNE near detector system; and the development of core computing software, including a new data processing framework.
Title: Lagrange Communication Advanced Realtime Space-weather Array (LCARS): NASA Mission Concept
Abstract:: A Space-borne communication and sensor array outside of Earth’s orbit usable for Inner Solar System Communications (ISS Comms), Deep Space Network Communications (DSN Comms), and space weather is under study. We present updates of ongoing mission concept development for the Lagrange Communication Advanced Realtime Space-weather Array (LCARS)
LCARS Space Platforms would be placed at key solar system locations, autonomously warning Earth and protecting space assets. Each LCARS Space Platform (LCARSSP) orbits the Earth-Sun Lagrange points:
- Surveillance of interplanetary medium and solar observations.
- Interplanetary and Heliospheric communications
The Lagrange point utility is shown from existing use as key location for the Space Weather monitoring and observational assets. For example, L1 hosts ACE, SOHO, WIND, DSCOVR, etc.; L2 hosts WIND, Planck, Gaia, JWST, Euclid, etc.; L4 hosted (STEREO A) and L5 hosted (STEREO B).
Each LCARSSP maintains relative position to Earth, allowing continuous monitoring of the sun and solar wind, the issuance of early warning alerts for terrestrial and space-based assets, and the collection of near 3D continuous data to aid in Earth-Sun space weather modeling.
The LCARS Array is also a Communications Infrastructure Mission that supports mission data transport through multi-bandwidth comms including radio, terahertz and laser for inter- LCARSSP and Lunar comms, and a gimbled deep space dish enhancing NASA’s DSN. The proposed array includes an autonomous inter- LCARSSP network for high bandwidth data flow throughout the solar system.
We present detailed updates to our mission concept including timeline* for R&D and deployment by 2050. We focus on key technologies required during the next decade to support implementation, launch, and deployment by 2050. These technologies span broad range of domains including comms systems, AI autonomation, modular spacecraft, self-assembly spacecraft, modular observational bays, retractable and variable shaped deep space reflector, etc.
Title: Tuning into Cosmic Neutrinos at High Elevation
Abstract: Neutrinos are the ideal messenger for high-energy astrophysics. Weakly interacting and uncharged, they propagate undeterred and unabsorbed through the universe. In the last decade, the IceCube experiment has brought us the discovery of a flux of high-energy, TeV-scale neutrinos and through a multi-messenger lens — the combined observations of neutrinos and other messengers like photons — we are starting to see hints of energetic neutrino sources for the first time. At higher energies still, beyond the PeV scale, we can probe the most energetic sources of both neutrinos and cosmic rays, but current neutrino experiments become too small to observe a sizable flux. Radio experiments can achieve the large exposures necessary by taking advantage of the coherent broadband radio emission resulting from ultra-high-energy (E>10^17 eV) neutrino interactions as well as the large volumes visible from high elevations. In this talk, I will review results from current and future high-elevation radio experiments, with a particular focus on Earth-skimming tau neutrinos and cosmic ray air showers as observed with from mountains and high-altitude balloons.
Title: Life After Physics
What happens if you find yourself with an advanced degree in physics and you start to wonder if academia is not right for you? Is this normal? And what kind of jobs are out there for former physicists? In this talk I'll give some background on these questions, discuss my own journey from physics to software engineering, describe why a career in writing software might be right for you, and how to go about making the leap into a life after physics.
Title: Spin transport and spin-orbit torque in metallic heterostructures
Abstract: Current-induced spin-orbit torque enables electric control of magnetization in spintronic devices. I will start by discussing the basic phenomenology and mechanisms of spin-orbit torque. I will then discuss first-principles calculations of spin transport and spin-orbit torques in disordered films and multilayers using the nonequilibrium Green's function technique. Of particular interest is the generation of spin-orbit torque with unconventional spin polarization that can enable the switching of magnetization perpendicular to the film plane; this requires certain symmetries to be broken. I will discuss unconventional torques in ferromagnet/nonmagnet/ferromagnet trilayers, as well as spin currents generated by the so-called spin-splitting effect in altermagnets and anisotropic ferromagnets, which could be harnessed for this purpose.
Title: Exciton dressing by extreme nonlinear magnons in a layered semiconductor
Abstract: Collective excitations presenting nonlinear dynamics are fundamental phenomena with broad applications. A prime example is nonlinear optics, where diverse frequency mixing processes are central to communication, sensing, wavelength conversion, and attosecond physics. In this talk, I will present our recent results focused on the magnon behavior in the layered antiferromagnetic semiconductor CrSBr. I will demonstrate nonlinear opto-magnonic coupling to low order harmonics of the fundamental magnon. I will further show how we can create tunable optical sidebands from sum- and difference-frequency generation between two optically bright magnon modes under symmetry breaking magnetic fields. Moreover, the observed difference-frequency generation mode can be continuously tuned into resonance with one of the fundamental magnons, resulting in parametric amplification of magnons. Finally, I will show how we can access extreme high harmonic generation of the magnons by presenting exciton states dressed by up to 20 harmonics of magnons. These findings realize the modulation of the optical frequency exciton with the extreme nonlinearity of magnons at microwave frequencies, which could find applications in magnonics and hybrid quantum systems, and provide new avenues for implementing opto-magnonic devices.
Title: The Devil is in the (Axion) Details
Abstract: Over the last decade, one of the most popular solutions to the dark matter problem has been a hypothetical class of particles known as axions or axion-like particles. In this talk, I will discuss why the axion is such an attractive candidate and also explain the challenges we face in determining whether axions are the dark matter and which axion(s) are the dark matter. I will highlight results from my research group that indicates: the devil is in the details.
Please follow this link for an archive of previous colloquia.