Adjunct and Courtesy Affiliates Ayman Al-batainehAdjunct ResearcherAssistant Professor - Yarmouk UniversityView full profile Haider AlhazmiAdjunct ResearcherView full profile James BowenAdjunct ResearcherAssistant Professor of Physics - Baker UniversityView full profile Talal ChowdhuryVisiting Scholar - High Energy TheoryAssistant Professor - University of DhakaPHYSICS & ASTRONOMYView full profile James DeaneAdjunct ResearcherView full profile Gisela DreschhoffAdjunct ResearcherView full profile Jeong Han KimAdjunct ResearcherView full profile Jerry ManweilerAdjunct Industrial Research AssociateCEO/Owner, Fundamental Technologies, LLCView full profile Brian ThomasAdjunct ResearcherProfessor of Physics - Washburn UniversityView full profile Quan WangAdjunct ResearcherView full profile Lorne WhiteheadAdjunct FacultyProfessor of Physics & Astronomy - University of British ColumbiaView full profile
Talal ChowdhuryVisiting Scholar - High Energy TheoryAssistant Professor - University of DhakaPHYSICS & ASTRONOMYView full profile
Jerry ManweilerAdjunct Industrial Research AssociateCEO/Owner, Fundamental Technologies, LLCView full profile
Lorne WhiteheadAdjunct FacultyProfessor of Physics & Astronomy - University of British ColumbiaView full profile