Leeds & Northrup Mounted Resistor model 4198-99

Leeds & Northrup mounted resistor with 10000 ohm resistance comes in a mahogany case. The front has a title plate with the company name, address, and serial number of the instrument.  Front view.

Figure 1: Leeds & Northrup Mounted Resistor model 4198-99. Front view of resistor standing vertically.

Leeds & Northrup mounted resistor with 10000 ohm resistance comes in a mahogany case. The front has a title plate with the company name, address, and serial number of the instrument (124763). Front view. .

Figure 2: Leeds & Northrup Mounted Resistor model 4198-99. Side view of resistor placed vertically.

The mounted resistor model 4198-99 is used for damping a galvanometer or for protecting a galvanometer, standard cell or other instruments against excessive current. It provides a resistance of 10,000 ohms.