Ian J.M. Crossfield

- Associate Professor
- Research Interests: Astronomy, Exoplanets, Stars
- Physics & Astronomy
Contact Info
1251 Wescoe Hall Dr.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Biography —
2020-present: Assistant Professor, University of Kansas
2017-2020: Assistant Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2017: Associate Researcher, UC Santa Cruz
Education —
Magna Cum Laude
Research —
Prof. Crossfield leads the KU ExoLab, a research group dedicated to the discovery and characterization of nearby planetary systems. The ExoLab's interests lie in exoplanet formation, composition, detection, and characterization. They study extrasolar planets and their host stars using both photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy from the ground and space. Visit my personal website for more information.
Explore more: Prof. Crossfield's first-author papers; and papers by ExoLab team members and colleagues.
As of 2021, Prof. Crossfield has been P.I. or lead author of:
- >1200 hours of space telescope observing time (Hubble and Spitzer)
- >5000 targets observed by NASA's planet-hunting telescopes (Kepler and TESS)
- >700 hours on ground-based 6-10m telescopes (Keck, Gemini, VLT, Subaru, LBT, Magellan, MMT),
- >1000 hours on 2-5m telescopes (IRTF, WIYN, APF, Shane, NTT
Research interests:
- Astronomy
- Exoplanets