Research Excellence Initiative Fund Descriptions
General Funds | |||||
Funding Categories (with abbreviations) | Who can apply as Principal Investigator? | Funding Range | Deadline | Abbreviated Description (see individual fund descriptions for more details) | |
A. Collaborative Research Fund | CRF | Faculty and Research Staff | $15k | Early February | Supports transdisciplinary teams to develop ideas, conduct research, and seed large-scale, collaborative projects. The outcomes must include an application for major external funding(e.g., grant, fellowship) |
B. Time-Sensitive and Urgency Fund | TSU | Faculty and Research Staff | $500 - 1K | Open deadline | Supports researchers who have a critical need for rapid and targeted funds to sustain a research activity or body of work |
C. Fill-In the Gap Fund | FIG | Faculty and Research Staff | $500 - 1K | Open deadline | Supports researchers who have already acquired a grant or fellowship but are in need of additional resources not covered by the original funding |
D. Conference/Meeting/Exhibit Sponsorship Fund | CME | Faculty and Research Staff | $500-1K | Open deadline | To support conferences, meetings or exhibits that are hosted on the KU Campus or are chaired/ co-sponsored by College faculty/staff outside of KU |
Faculty Directed Support for Undergraduates | |||||
Funding Categories (with abbreviations) | Who can apply as Principal Investigator? | Funding Range | Deadline | Abbreviated Description (see individual fund descriptions for more details) | |
E. Jim Mielke Humanities, Social and Behavioral Science Mentorship Award | JMF | Faculty and Research Staff (submit on student’s behalf) | $800/+ $200 faculty honora- rium | Early February | To provide summer internship or research opportunities for undergraduate students in the Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences. Students must have graduated from a Lawrence High School |
F. Judy (Judith) Hinton Research Fund | JHR | Undergraduate women | $1-2K | Open Deadline | To support undergraduate women within CLAS for domestic/international travel to conferences & meetings to present research, visit a research/ field site to conduct research, or visit an expert in the field to learn a new technique/approach |
Staff and Graduate Student Funds | |||||
Funding Categories (with abbreviations) | Who can apply as Principal Investigator? | Funding Range | Deadline | Abbreviated Description (see individual fund descriptions for more details) | |
G. Graduate Student Grant- Writing Incentive Award | GWI- GS | Ph.D. and Masters Students | $1K | 02/03/2025 | Provides incentives for applying to external funding for research. Graduate student or postdoctoral researcher must be applying for a grant or fellowship totaling at least $5,000 and the proposed research activities must be in direct support of the student or post doc’s research |
H. Postdoctoral Grant-Writing Incentive Award | GWI- PD | Postdoctoral Researchers | $1K | 02/03/2025 | |
I. Social Justice Research Award | SJA | Ph.D. and Master’s Students | $2K | 02/03/2025 | To support the thesis or dissertation research of a graduate student whose interests, achievements, and talents are in the peace and justice field |
J. Staff Grant-Writing Incentive Fund | SWI | Research Staff | $1K | 02/03/2025 | Provides incentives for applying for external funding for research. The staff member must be applying for a grant or fellowship totaling at least $5,000 and the proposed research activities must be in direct support of the staff member’s research |