Weston DC Microammeter Model 440

Weston DC micro-ammeter in a surface type case for portable use with a aluminum case finish of dimensions 6.75" x 4.25" x 2.375" inch and weighing at 2.75 lbs. Front view.

Figure 1: Weston DC Microammeter Model 440. Front view.

Weston DC micro-ammeter in a surface type case for portable use with a aluminum case finish of dimensions 6.75" x 4.25" x 2.375" inch and weighing at 2.75 lbs. Front corner view.

Figure 2: Weston DC Microammeter Model 440. Front corner view.

Made by the Weston Electrical Instrument Company, this highly sensitive portable DC micro-ammeter was ideal to be used in place of a suspended coil, reflecting type galvanometer. Its sensitivity could be as high as 0.25 microampere per division.